Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Final Entry


  1. What do you like about blogging?

I like blogging because I can tell my reader what I have learned in the class and what I think about the input given by the lecturer.

2. What you do not like about blogging?

I do not like blogging when waiting for the picture to be uploaded into our blog. It needed many time to be completed. Moreover, I often encountered the problem where my entries are not saved. It make me to do it twice.

3. What have you gained from blogging e.g. Language skills, improved fluency, critical thinking, improved thought processes, technology skills etc. How?

I think from blogging I improving my technology skills .In order to make our blog attractive, many things should be learned. I discovered how to make it on my own .It is kind of satisfaction for me especially when putting the widget that we interest.

4. What do you like about this course?

I think many resources for making teaching aids I know. Moreover, I can prepare the teaching aids with the software that introduced to us.

5. What you do not like about this course?

Maybe the modules given are too much.

6. What have you learnt from this course?

Many things especially how to develop the teaching aids that attract and make the pupils understand the topic taught better.

7.What have you learnt from this course that you did not expect to?

Many things especially the software that helps the teachers to develop their teaching aids.

I even did not know that the softwares are exist.

8. What have u expected but do not learn from this course?


9. Comments regarding modules:

  1. Internet and computing skills

  1. a. What do you like about this module?

It is teach us about the basic skills in using the internet.

  1. b. What do you not like about this module?

Many software needed to be downloaded and it took many time to do so.

  1. c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

  1. d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?


  1. e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learn basic internet skills and some new computing skills.

  1. f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

It helps me to choose and prepare suitable teaching aids for my pupils.

2. Photo Editing

  1. a. What do you like about this module?

Many new software introduced to edit the pictures.

  1. b. What do you not like about this module?


  1. c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

I practice how to edit the pictures with the software that I comfortable with.

  1. d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?


  1. e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

I learned to edit the pictures using various software and websites.

  1. f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

By choosing appropriate pictures and edit it so that it can attract the pupils’ attentions.

3. Audio Editing Skills

  1. a. What do you like about this module?

It explored about music and its usage in teaching.

  1. b. What do you not like about this module?


  1. c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

I practiced more on editing the audios using the software that easy to handle.

  1. d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?


  1. e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

Editing audios such as cutting, combining two songs by using different software.

  1. f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

It helps me to choose appropriate audios to e used as teaching aids.

4. Video Editing Skills

  1. a. What do you like about this module?

Many things regarding editing video I know.

  1. b. What do you not like about this module?


  1. c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

I given opportunity to edit the video and produce the new video that appropriate with my pupils’ level.

  1. d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?


  1. e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

Editing the video so that it is appropriate for teaching aids, converting the video into another teaching aids.

  1. f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

It helps me to prepare new teaching aids that attractive and suitable for the pupils.

5. Software for ELT

  1. a. What do you like about this module?

No need to download many software. Moreover, I found out many usages of MS Publisher in order to develop teaching aids.

  1. b. What do you not like about this module?


  1. c. What do you like about the task given for this module?

Developing teaching aids that appropriate with the lesson as well as the topic taught using MS Publisher.

  1. d. What do you not like about the task given for this module?


  1. e. What are the specific skills that you learn in this module?

The skill of using MS Publisher for preparing teaching aids.

  1. f. How the skills learnt in this module can help in the making and choosing of teaching aids for the ELT classroom?

It helps me to use the tools that provided in my laptop in order to prepare attractive nad interesting teaching aids.

10. If you can change anything about this course, state what is and elaborate?


On a scale of 1 – 10, please rate your computing and technological skills for both before and after undergoing the course.

Before : 5

After : 8

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